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“Welcome! I’m Janine Bolon – scientist, author, and spiritual guide. Would you like to be a part of my next book?
Inside the Beta Readers Hub, you’ll get exclusive access to my latest work, weekly insights, and the opportunity to collaborate as a beta reader. Join me on this journey of discovery, creativity, and connection!”
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What's New?
The 20th Anniversary of Money…It’s Not Just for Rich People!
For 20 years, this book has empowered thousands to rethink financial wellness and create sustainable abundance. To mark this anniversary, I’m sharing exclusive insights, early excerpts, and behind-the-scenes stories in The Beta Readers Hub. I am rewriting the book and updating its content for a new generation. Join now to dive deeper into this journey and be part of something truly evolutionary for your personal journey.
Become a Beta Reader here

My goal is to elevate you from where you are to a higher level of income, clarity and contentment with your life. Let’s make this happen, shall we?
Join me for OPEN Friday Coffee to learn more.