What I am about to share with some of you is considered Basic Business Building, but if you’ve never been in business for yourself before or if you are finally enjoying the opportunity to grow an MLM for yourself, this may be new territory. No matter your level of expertise, it never hurts to be reminded of the basics and to take the time required to check your business foundations and make sure that you are truly spending your time in ways that are most profitable to your business.
To learn how to download your Facebook Friends into a .csv file for your prospecting –>> Click Here

Join Janine “almost” every Friday to learn how to build the lifestyle you crave with the business you already have. She meets with her Thrive Tribe and gives suggestions, tips and systems to help improve your lifestyle while running a business from home.
These are her Open Office Hours for students, colleagues, authors, publishers and entrepreneurs.
Meeting Time: Fridays at 9am (Mountain Time) for 60min. Meetings are recorded. And posted onto YouTube.