Longmont Community Gardens - Interview with Lance Cayko

Lance Cayko Interview Summary

  • Introduction 0:02

    • Introducing lance kiko and lance keiko.

    • Lance’s background and why he got started with community gardens.

  • How did you get involved with the garden? 1:29

    • Becoming a garden leader in the community garden.

    • Environmental design and urban farming.

  • Transition from growing gardens to other nonprofits. 3:01

    • Growing gardens became too big for themselves.

    • Boulder county community gardens.

  • Local control over community gardens. 4:25

    • Establishing longmont community gardens in 2020.

    • Revenue has gone up and interest has increased.

  • Who are the members of the garden? 6:15

    • Four different kinds of plots, four different sizes.

    • Low income members.

  • Who they serve and how they help. 7:51

    • Community gardens in Longmont, a need for access to fresh produce.

    • Excess produce donated to various homes.

Here is Lance's Link to the Expansion Project Grant Request Video